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Monday, July 15, 2013

Found (The Crescent Chronicles #3) By :Alyssa Rose Ivy

Published: July 16th 2013
Pages:  185
Book: Series:  The Crescent Chronicles
Found (The Crescent Chronicles, #3)Stars:  5

Oh Levi, Levi what will we do without you!

So many spirals in this story you don’t know what is going on. What a way to finish a series! You think you know who is bad and who is not… good luck with that!
Boy did Toby throw me for a loop!

This book picks up right where we left off. All the stress from the pending wedding, Levi’s Dad, Toby kidnapping Jess is taking a toll on Allie. 

Allie goes to visit Georgiana, Levi's grandmother for help with the Pteron issues. Now Grandma is a character, she is a force to reckon with!  That woman is in charge of everything and everyone, and she is Allie’s best partner in crime! Georgiana is able to help Allie in a way that no one else knows how too. She helps with understanding her love for Levi, her father in law and the crazy Pteron attraction.

Romantic bedroom, candles in cave

(Spoiler Alert) The cave scene is romantic and HOTT!  

Now what I didn't see coming was Toby. By far that was the largest shocker in this series. Who knew he was a true good guy!
Also, look at little Allie making friends with other Pteron Families to rescue Jess and Elliott. 

Levi from Found (The Crescent Chronicles #3)

The drama, the suspense and the love that is in these books make this a must read paranormal/supernatural romance series.

From Alyssa's web page
I’m not ready to say goodbye to the Pterons. In fact, I have a whole new Pteron story to share with you guys. These books will pick up after Found ends, and they'll be lots of familiar faces, but they will not be Crescent books.
I’m excited to announce the Empire Chronicles!


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1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing Found. I am glad you enjoyed it! :)
