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Monday, July 15, 2013

Axel (Corps Security #1) By: Harper Sloan

Axel (Corps Security, #1)

Published: July 7th, 2013
Pages: 283 pages
Book: Series: Corps Security
Stars:  4.5

“Fate might hate me, but that doesn't stop me from hoping one day she forgets about her favorite chew toy. When that day comes I hope karma has some fun with that bitch fate” 

I love a good book about a Military man. This was a GREAT one!
Brilliant debut novel by Harper Sloan.

You fall in love with the idea of Izzy and Axel in the first few pages. Then your heart shatters in a billion pieces for Izzy. Her life was on a great path; she had true love, great parents and a wonderful future. Then in a flash it came crashing down around her.

After her world stops spinning, she marries a complete ass-hat, Brandon that uses Izzy for whatever he feels like. You hate Brandon in about .0002 seconds. 
Her best friend, Denise comes to the rescue and yanks Izzy out of the HELL she now survives in. 

Crying girl in corner shadow

Cut off from those I loved and so terrified of his wrath; I wasn’t going anywhere. Those were the years I prayed and prayed for Axel to find his way back to me… but I
eventually had to face the facts… my hero was gone.”

Denise is a smart girl and doesn’t come by herself, she brings some serious muscle. Enter the HUGE and gorgeous Greg Cage, Marine and Security Advisor. G takes a protective attitude towards Denise and Izzy. 

They try to put Izzy back together and happy. This is a full time occupation for all of them. But ass-hat Brandon will just not go away. He is like a bad rash that just flairs back up at the worst time! G is determined to find the cure for Brandon at any cost.

G calls his Marine brothers and Security Advisors, Cooper, Maddox, Beck and Reid. They will solve this mess and save his Izzy.

But who does Izzy belong too? 
So many things happen after they come to help out that you're sucked into the book even more.

There are no cliff hangers for Axel and Izzy, the next book in this series is Cage's book and I fell for him too!

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