
Published: July 2nd, 2013
Pages: 501 pages
Book: Series: This Man Trilogy
Stars: 5
I have a
love/hate relationship with trilogy books.
1. I have no patients whatsoever...
So waiting on the series to finish is truthfully excruciating for me.
2. I love following the story and learning more of what makes my favorite characters who they are.
3. I read at a speed that I can’t even use our local libraries.(Again see #1)
4. It seems like an eternity before the series is complete (Again see #1)
5. Then sometimes… you get disappointed at how the story ends.
Maddening as all hell… CRAZY MAD!
Man Confessed” is not one of those books.
THE LORD of the manor for that!
I love Jesse even though he makes me crazy mad sometimes! The final book is a great finish to an incredible trilogy. But now I am suffering from Jesse withdrawal.
The book embraces all the necessary characteristics to make a great story and a solid finish.
I loved finding out more about Jesse and his past and seeing how Ava would deal with all of that.
Now I am going to caution you... My Kindle was in danger of being tossed out the window at one point! I was as pissed off as a wet cat! But I stuck through it and made it out the other side!
This series is full of extreme hot headedness, hotter sex and a lot of mysteries.
I would put this series on your “must absolutely read list”

“You keep my heart beating, baby, but you can also make it fucking stop.”
“Always in lace, lady!”