Book: Rome (Book 3 of the Marked Men series.)
Published: January 7th 2014
Pages: 384 pages
Stars: 5
Read from January 08 to 09, 2014
This book continues with our friends starting their lives as couples. Jet and Ayden, Rule and Shaw are moving forward toward the HEA.
Rome has just returned from his deployment in desert and he is not adjust as well as expected.
Our laid-back, loveable Rome is becoming difficult to handle, which has all his friends and family confused.
In steps Cora a “take no prisoners” girl who not only protects herself, she protects he friends A.K.A Family like a momma bear on crack!
Rome is acting like a complete ass-hat and Cora hands it back to him with a move that shocks everyone!
Rome hits bottom, as in the bottom of every bottle in site. When Rule is called for help and they get Cora, things change for everyone involved.